Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random thoughts

It's pretty early in the morning again. 2:40 to be exact, and I am just thinking about everything. School, work, relationships...the usual. School unfortunately starts next week and I am so not prepared. Ugh!!! I have never been the best in school. I mean I get decent grades, but not as good as I could. But I just get distracted easily, and bored! One class I have to take this semester is history. OK, this is my view on history, it's done, it's over with, let's move on! I know some people are like.."omg, it's so interesting!!" "you need to know about our world's history". Ok, and what if my profession has nothing to do with it??? Then I wasted my time? Or what? Idk. Maybe I'm just having a negative view about it. Another class is yoga. Honestly, I didn't want to take that, but I needed an elective class. I joined in on a couple of classes last semester. Let me just say I am not as flexible as I used to be. It kinda hurts. If I could, I'd probably take pilates again. But I did hate pilates when it first started it and then pretty much loved it closer to the end of the semester. Hopefully yoga will be the same. Last class, survey of the old testament. Again, not my first choice, but needed an extra class. Personally, I wanted to take a philosophy class, but the only one open was a night class. No thanks! So I guess I have to get ready for my classes....although I clearly don't want to. :(

Next, work. AHHHH!!!! Yea, I just want to do that some days. It's not that my job is hard, because it isn't, it's just I need a second job!! I work in retail. Not that hard. I'm still waiting to hear from this other place about a second job. PLEASE GOD HELP THEM CALL!!!! I just really need some extra cash right now. And, my current job keeps telling me "hang in there. There might be an opening for a part time assistant manager." Yea, they've been saying that for well over 2 months now. I can't exactly wait forever.

Lastly, relationships! Or relatinshiP. Hopefully you've read my other post "relatinships" so I won't have to make this very long. But, not going to lie, yea I'm still confused. I'm still trying to focus on school and work, but this still stays in the back of my mind. I can't help it. I know how I am and I know how I feel. Honestly, I'm not going to post it on here because right now, I just want to keep that between me, myself, and I. But I guess all I can really do is pray that God sends me a sign or something, telling me what I should do. :sigh: Love knocks you down, then picks you up, then knocks you back down again. THEN!! It stays on your mind constantly. No, I'm not talking about a particular person. I'm just talking about love in general.

Oh well, just thought I'd vent for a few. I guess this is it for now.


1 comment:

  1. My thoughts about your thoughts--school is a pain until you really start doing what you love. Even then, I'm sure it's a pain, but at least you're enjoying it a little bit. So right now, you're doing the really hard part to get to the part you love to do. Work is hard to find right now for anyone- not just you! So when your bosses say hang in there, they mean hang in there! Haha, I'm sure eventually there will be an opening. Patience is going to be key when looking for a second job- especially in this economy. Lastly, my thoughts on love. Love isn't easy- particularly when it ends. That's probably the hardest part of it. However, what you should always remember is to look for silver lining on the cloud. :) When I say that, I mean that just because this previous relationship that you had love invested in is now over- doesn't mean that there won't be another one that will be successful. Your goal shouldn't be to dwell on this past relationship (miss I hate history- this is history), focus on the future. Focus on what you want to look for in your next relationship. Things will work out the way they're supposed to, but don't thing hard on negative things. It's not good for you! :D Hope that helps!
